So here we are, once again on the threshold of a new year.   How many times in the next 24 hours will you say or think: Where did the time go? So I won’t bother to repeat it here.  (But where did it go?)

Do you still consider making New Year’s resolutions? If you don’t write them down, do you even think about them? I have long ago given up making promises to myself that I will never keep.  If I want to feel bad about myself for being a weakling, I already have sufficient items from prior years to draw upon.

So this year, instead of trying to reconfigure bad habits, I’ve decided to embrace them.  Below is a partial list of personal reforms that will NOT happen in 2015 .

  • Spend more time at the gym.
  • Eat more vegetables.
  • Give up Cool Whip.
  • Lose weight.
  • Shop less.
  • Get more sleep.
  • Organize my drawers and keep them organized.
  • Stop wasting time watching Law and Order reruns.
  • Improve at golf.
  • Learn French.
  • Cook at home more often.
  • Always hang up my clothes before I go to bed.
  • Read James Joyce.
  • Wear a bikini.
  • Complete a London Times crossword puzzle.
  • Solve even one clue of a London Times crossword puzzle.
  • Have a neat desk.
  • Never write another essay about my husband.

So what are you doing tonight? Staying at home? Perhaps a movie? Dinner with friends? A fancy party? Will you even try to stay awake until midnight? Whatever your preference, I want to wish everyone a happy, healthy New Year.

And thank you for your encouragement and  readership.  My husband also thanks you.  The time I spend writing is time spent not shopping.


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